Four things.

That’s all you need for your marketing in 2021, and you probably already have most of them.

If you’re not getting the results you want, it probably means you’re lacking in one of these four areas, or they aren’t working together as a whole.

The marketing tree revisited

Imagine your marketing is a tree. The tree has four elements: Leaves, branches, a trunk, and roots. Let’s check them out one at a time.

The leaves collect the sun. They attract energy and money into your marketing system.

Leaves are the thing most businesses focus on: Your advertising, social media posts, memes, emails–all the surface things that drive traffic, attention, and branding.

Leaves are essential. But if the energy they create doesn’t go into your branches, trunk, and root system, the leaves won’t help you very much.

And if you’re not nourishing your leaves from the roots out through the trunk and the branches, then they will shrivel up and stop working.

Branches are the utility part of the marketing tree.

Strong branches support your clients, your potential clients, and your mission. Your branches are your videos, white papers, and downloads. Your branches are the content your clients want, and they are the tools that show potential clients what your business can do for them.

Leaves drive traffic to the branches, and the branches should support the leaves. Good content, worthy of being bragged about by the leaves of your tree, provides this support.

Branches in turn, rise up from the trunk of the tree. Your trunk is the core of your business, what you do best for your clients and how you’re different from similar businesses.

If your business has a good core, a good trunk, then it’s not hard to come up with solid, evergreen content (branches) to promote your business.

How do you build a good trunk? It all depends on the roots.

You probably already know what the roots of your tree are. These are your values, your mission, your reasons for doing what you do. The roots are underground, and many people will never see them. But they are reflected in the trunk of your tree.

In fact, you can’t have a sturdy trunk without good roots.

Do this for the next four months

After the gazpacho smoothie blender explosion that was 2020, the world is grateful for healthy trees. Especially the ones with solid roots. Everyone is concerned about roots these days. How are yours doing?

I recommend you spend the next month looking at your roots.

Think of ways you can have your roots spread their influence up through the trunk, the branches, all the way to the tip of every leaf.

Then spend a month on your trunk, another month on branches, and finally give a month of focus to your leaves.

If you do this, you will have a formidable marketing system in place by the beginning of summer.

Now I have a question for you. Actually two questions. What are your most important values? What got you through 2020?

I would love to hear your answers. Leave a comment below.

About Jacob Bear In a digital world filled with endless distraction, the key to success is to become so excited about something that you attack every obstacle and light up the path for your followers. As a copywriter and marketing coach, Jacob has been guiding entrepreneurs to uncover their unique story since 2006. In his new talk, “Finding Your Fire,” he shows you how to cultivate a sense of adventure that brings energy and originality to everything you do. His free Social Media Cheat Sheet shows you how to create authentic, perpetual content in nine steps. You can find the Cheat Sheet and other tools at
