Seven ways that you can dominate the web with fast and simple videos

This might be the most important post I’ve ever written.

Google owns YouTube. If you google almost any subject, you’re going to find videos on the first page, probably within the top 3 results. Many of your prospective clients are already searching YouTube for solutions to their problems. Shouldn’t your company show up in the results?

Most people will only spend a few seconds reading your copy. But they’ll spend 2-3 minutes (or more) watching a video. Your videos have visual and audio information. You can engage more of the brain by making videos about your business.

In 2014 I made over 100 videos. In 2015 I did nothing. Now, in 2016 I’m still reaping the benefits of the work I did two years ago.
Hollywood Sign (Zuschnitt)
I’m preparing a quick, hard-hitting guide that will teach you how to make and use videos. In a few weeks you’ll learn how to make engaging, high quality videos at a low cost.

But today you’re going to get the prequel: How to make the most of your videos. Here are seven ways you can goose your marketing with YouTube videos:

  1. Choose a specific product or service that you want to promote. Make a 30-second video showing all the wonderful things it will do for your clients. Many people will find the video when doing their own search. But just to make sure, email the link to prospects who you think will need it
  2. Videotape testimonials from your clients. You can embed them on your website, and they will also show up when someone does a search for your company or your services.
  3. Announce big changes in your business, awards you’ve won, and upcoming events. It’s a video press release!
  4. Create an online class that educates prospects about a specific product or service you offer. “How to protect your data.” “Seven ways to get the maximum value when you sell your home.” “An employer’s guide to the new health care tax laws” Viewers who are searching for this information will be grateful. You’ll be their go-to expert on the problem. You’re the one they’ll contact when they need the service.
  5. Share casual footage from around the office, parties, and maybe even your personal life. This will put a human face on your company
  6. Showcase a physical product you offer. Demonstrate the product, show someone using it, and highlight the most important features (if a picture is worth a thousand words, how much is a video worth?)
  7. Do something crazy! Outrageous advertising is an easy way to separate yourself out from your competition. Make a video that maybe has nothing to do with your business but shows a quirky side of you that people don’t usually get to see. One of my most successful videos (of really poor quality) doesn’t even mention my business or marketing, but it has opened doors for me which ultimately put more money in my pocket.

You could probably think of at least seven more ways to use videos. I’ll have a nuts-and-bolts guide for you in a few weeks, but first, here are a few last-minute tips:

      • Invest in good sound quality. Most people won’t mind a jumpy video that you made with your phone, but they’ll be turned off by static, wind, the sound of your breathing or an unclear voiceover. I own a few different microphones but my go-to microphone which won’t force you into bankruptcy is the Audio-Technica AT2020USB PLUS Cardioid Condenser USB Microphone
      •  Embed your videos on your website. Google owns YouTube, and web pages that contain videos will get higher rankings. Spread them around on relevant pages. Don’t limit yourself to a single page with a dozen videos on it
      • Always include a link to your website
      • Don’t be a bore. Your videos should be genuinely educational, entertaining, or both
      • Pay attention to keywords. Choose your title and description based on the same keywords that drive the content on your website
      • Multiply the effects of your video. Post it on your FaceBook page, and tweet it. Include the link in your emails and newsletters
