Here’s a mental model for when you’re planning your next adventure.It’s a way to set priorities and have a balanced life.Everyone says they want a balanced life. But nobody spends
You heard it here first. Straight from the horse’s mouth.Actually, it’s from the Large Language Model (LLM)’s mouth.In case you’ve been holed up in some remote backwater like Crescent City,
There’s only one good reason to be more productive, to have free more time, to make more money.Just one.Saving time, getting more done, increasing your earning power, advancing your career—these
Mamma mia, what a year!A lot of bad things happened, but I’m blown away by all the good things.Near the end of every year, I reflect on what I learned.
Tim Ferriss frequently says the solution to most problems is a better set of questions. Here are three new questions for you (plus, why am I dressed like that?):I learned
You’ll often hear people telling you to let go of your past. I think most of us need to do the exact opposite.You might go through difficult periods in your
This situation sucks.We’re under attack by brainless microbes that are only partly alive, and everybody is hunkering down to prevent the spread and creation of more of these creatures.If you’re
Innovate or stagnate. That’s the brutal reality we live in.Podcaster and bestselling author James Altucher suggests you make a habit of brainstorming 10 new ideas every day.(He also once wrote